all postcodes in S36 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S36 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S36 2AL 0 53.478507 -1.587639
S36 2AN 1 53.4769 -1.588047
S36 2AP 0 53.477861 -1.590358
S36 2AQ 0 53.475381 -1.58535
S36 2AR 0 53.47682 -1.58547
S36 2BB 0 53.478817 -1.588298
S36 2BE 0 53.481092 -1.588578
S36 2BJ 0 53.477079 -1.593198
S36 2BQ 0 53.477734 -1.584799
S36 2BS 0 53.489915 -1.6067
S36 2BA 0 53.487873 -1.590246
S36 2BL 0 53.493094 -1.616497
S36 2AS 0 53.491117 -1.6006
S36 2BN 0 53.48611 -1.586705
S36 2BT 0 53.483924 -1.58923
S36 2BU 2 53.48364 -1.590362
S36 2DS 1 53.48151 -1.587383
S36 2DU 20 53.482198 -1.591913
S36 2DW 5 53.482719 -1.594244
S36 2DX 2 53.483084 -1.595626